Free-Thinking Mystic with Hands

Covering a wide of array of subjects, including Progressive Politics, Philosophy, Well-Being, Happiness, Constructive Thinking, Decision-Making, Sociology of Knowledge, the Social Construction of Reality, Meaning, Self-Improvement and Development, Sociology of Science, Sociology of Religion, Social Psychology, Sociology of Social Movements, Holistic Health, Nutrition, Critical Thinking.* (*To me they are all related.)

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Location: San Diego, CA, United States

Freelance Sociologist, Wellness Consultant, and Philosophical & Spiritual Counselor

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Cognitive Therapy Allows American War Hero to Articulate the Horrors of Being Held Captive by the Americans in Iraq

"‘I want you to pretend you are a soldier who has been kidnapped, and that you still have a duty to do. Memorize everything you can about everything that happens to you. Make it like you are a spy on the inside.’ I think he called it rational emotive behavioral therapy, and I started doing that.”

Read the full NYT article here. He will receive The Ridenhour Truth-Telling Prize .

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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Pelosi: Bush needs to "calm down"

Pelosi via CNN: "On this very important matter I would extend a hand of friendship to the president, just to say to him: 'Calm down with the threats, there's a new Congress in town. We respect your constitutional role, we want you to respect ours. This war must end, the American people have lost faith in the president's conduct of the war."

Note from Sociologist Tina: I love her wording here. Her comments impart not only respect, but humor and goodwill. She and her quote here both serve as a worthy role-model for all of us.

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