Free-Thinking Mystic with Hands

Covering a wide of array of subjects, including Progressive Politics, Philosophy, Well-Being, Happiness, Constructive Thinking, Decision-Making, Sociology of Knowledge, the Social Construction of Reality, Meaning, Self-Improvement and Development, Sociology of Science, Sociology of Religion, Social Psychology, Sociology of Social Movements, Holistic Health, Nutrition, Critical Thinking.* (*To me they are all related.)

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Location: San Diego, CA, United States

Freelance Sociologist, Wellness Consultant, and Philosophical & Spiritual Counselor

Friday, May 4, 2007

Excellent new John Edwards ad on the war

Americablog's John Aravosis likes the idea behind the ad. Hopefully the ad (to which you can add your own video snippet for possible public viewing) and its promotion will help end this sad war.

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